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our 2019 women's conference


christ community chapel | 750 w streetsboro st. hudson,oh 44236

join us for a conference unlike others. 

discover how to seek and hear from the Lord & experience how His incomparable love restores + redeems. 

Saturday, May 4th



hear from experienced counselors and ministry leaders, passionate about the Lord and the freedom he offers.


hear keynotes about how God's incomparable love fulfills our longings for security, value and purpose.


Leigh-Ann Brisbin

As a licensed clinical counselor and women's ministry director, Leigh-Ann has a heart for helping women find healing and freedom through spiritual growth. With nearly 10 years experience in counseling and 25 in women's ministry, Leigh-Ann is so excited to share at our conference. 


Learn more about Leigh-Ann here.


Debbi Sands

Debbi is a licensed professional clinical counselor and is passionate about walking alongside others in their process of growth and healing. She has spent the past 35 years in ministry, leading, teaching, and encouraging others in different seasons of their life.  Debbi is excited about the transforming work of God in people's lives as they become who He made them to be and cannot wait to share

on May 4th. 


Learn More about Debbi here.



getting to the root of our issues + learning healthy ways to break free. 

session options:




Do you find yourself frustrated with the ways you relate to your spouse?  Like you're on the slippery slope of growing apart, disconnecting, and arguing?  Feeling dry, lost, stuck, or unsure how things can change? Find out how our emotional health, family influences, and life experiences have significant impact on your perspective of unity, communication and love.  Experience God’s unconditional love and His prefect design for companionship. 




“What do I have to offer?” “My life is mundane and without real significance.”  “The choices I have made in life disqualify me from being used by God.”


These thoughts can take hold in your mind but your story matters. Spend time seeking God to discover how you are uniquely made, how He has set you apart, and what life experiences you have had that are part of God’s design and reflect His character.  Recognize His incomparable love in the pivotal moments of your life and reflect on His power to help you overcome adversity and equip you for whatever He calls you to.  He has eternal purpose for every moment.





Anger with God can look like a lot of questions, "why are things not working out?" "why are my circumstances not changing?" "why would God let me go through this?"  Spend time being honest with yourself and God about how you feel and what you think.  Learn how to address internal questions of if God is good, why does He allow this?  If He is sovereign, why doesn’t He change it? If God hears my prayers why is He silent? Discover what to do with the confusion, fear and frustration that lies underneath your circumstances and let God teach you about himself and His love for you that can bring you to a place of trust and understanding.  




Facing chronic, debilitating, or life-threatening illness, for you or a loved one can be scary and discouraging. We can feel desperate, praying for healing, seeking wisdom, exhausted of our own resources, feeling weary and worn out. Discover the various ways Jesus healed in the bible, understand the work of the Holy Spirit in the connectedness of the mind, body and spirit, and fervently seek how God is asking you to pray and trust Him. 



Something as simple as our thoughts can disrupt our quality of life and relationships with others. Learn how your thoughts affect your emotions and influence your actions, and let the Lord speak into those places and help evoke change.   Discover how to change your thought patterns, and fuel them with truth. And learn the relationship of faith and neuroscience in our spiritual formation.




Many times, even unknowingly, we hold on to unforgiveness in relationships as a way to protect from being hurt in the future.  Unforgiveness is powerful. It communicates "I am in control".  It can cause resentment in our hearts.  It can create a separation in our relationship with God and hinder our ability to hear Him and be used by Him effectively.  Discover what forgiveness really looks like. Recognize who you need to forgive and walk through the stages of forgiveness with the Lord leading & comforting you.




For those suffering with anxiety, depression, trauma, or the need for control. For those who so desperately crave peace. Jesus wants you to encounter Him right where you are, and fill you with His unimaginable peace. Recognize how to combat these feelings in the future and become the version of you that He has made you to be.





If you feel like God has been silent, it's hard to hear Him, or you are unsure of His voice, this breakout is for you. Learn more about having a conversational relationship with God in your daily life, what intimacy with Him looks like, and how to hear him more effectively. Discover what role scripture, discernment and obedience plays in hearing clearly from the Lord. 




On a daily basis we may not realize what great influence, we let our circumstances, choices, the people around us, and what we believe about it all, define who we are. We misunderstand the person of God, wear labels we were never meant to wear, and live out of a fractured sense of self.  We take on an “orphan identity” that permeates into every area of our lives including our sense of God’s presence, assurance of security and expression of love.    In this session, identify your areas of “orphan identity”, find freedom from the labels you have accumulated, and grab hold of your identity in Christ. Leave encouraged and with a renewed sense of purpose to serve your Heavenly Father and live as He created you to.  




We were made in the image of a creative God who created all things.  Expressive art is a way that God connects with us and engages our divine imagination.  He often uses art, color, creativity, and the beauty of His creation to speak to us. We can use art as a tool for processing what we are going through or have gone through, as well as use it to recognize and hear what He is saying to us. In this breakout, you will have an opportunity to seek and respond to God through prayer-led creative drawing and painting.  No experience or skills needed.

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Learn how to develop a deeper level of intimacy with God and His restorative presence as you move with intentionality. You will be introduced to the significance that movement has in helping individuals discover their own freedom in expression, healing from grief and trauma, and victory over adversity. 


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Because we are physical, emotional and spiritual beings, our bodies are greatly affected by our thoughts and experiences and respond to our emotional state.  When we feel weak, anxious, angry, disconnected, we are often in need of God’s comfort and strength. Research shows that movement has positive effects on our emotional state, is healing for our body and actually helps us hold on to lifegiving thoughts. A combination of movement, worship, and scripture gives our mind and bodies an opportunity to be led by the Lord into His truth. This facilitates emotional and spiritual healing. Leave empowered by God’s word.




We can feel security in people and things until they are taken away. We can feel abandoned by God, confused about who He is, or feel separated from Him. What does grief and loneliness look like in your life?  Who or what do you run to to fill the void? Discover where God is in your loss and loneliness and how the nature of who He is means we are never alone. 



We were created for community. There is spiritual and emotional significance in seeing others, sharing our stories, finding common ground, and celebrating uniqueness. We tend to pull away from others when we feel unaccepted or uncomfortable, or isolate ourselves for unhealthy reasons, but the truth is,  we need each other. Learn how God moves to meet needs in the spaces we make safe, where we are vulnerable and real, and where we invest in others.  There is healing and hope in being together. 


COST - $35 



scholarships available.


to request.


Registration Closed

If you would still like to attend our conference, please reach out to our team at

We cannot guarantee a lunch will be available, but may be able to squeeze you into any open spots in available breakout sessions and attend the keynotes.


8:00 AM - Doors Open

8:30 - First Keynote Begins

10:00 - Breakout Session 1

11:15 - Breakout Session 2

12:15 - 1:00 Lunch

1:00 - Second Keynote Begins

2:15 - Breakout Session 3

3:15 - Third Keynote Begins

4:30 - Conference concludes



Breakout Session 1


-Creative Processing (FULL)

-Strength & Empowerment Movement (FULL)

-Prayer & Hearing God (FULL)

-Defined By God (FULL)

-Anger With God

-Unity in Marriage 


-Finding Peace (FULL)

-Changing Our Thinking (NEWLY OPENED)


Prayer Room & Reflection Room are also open during this time.


Breakout Session 2


-Hearing God (FULL)

-Changing Our Thinking (FULL)

-Finding Purpose (FULL)

-Loss & Loneliness (FULL)

-Restorative Dance

-Creative Processing (FULL)

-Community & Connection (FULL)

-Unity in Marriage


-Finding Peace (NEWLY ADDED)


Prayer Room & Reflection Room are also open during this time.

Breakout Session 3


-Finding Purpose (FULL)

-Strength & Empowerment Movement (FULL)

-Loss and Loneliness

-Anger With God

-Restorative Dance (FULL)

-Dealing With Illness

-Community & Connection (FULL) 

-Defined By God (FULL)

-Creative Processing (FULL)


Prayer Room & Reflection Room are also open during this time.

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